Public Prosecutor vs Shuhaimy Bin Johri

Shuhaimy Bin Johri faced three criminal charges at Sepang Magistrate's Court for offenses committed on 20/02/2023 at KIP Mall traffic light. The charges included criminal intimidation under Section 506, mischief causing damage under Section 427, and voluntarily causing hurt under Section 323 of the Penal Code. The accused pleaded guilty to all charges and was sentenced to 15, 20, and 12 months imprisonment respectively, to run concurrently from the date of arrest.


Case Number

BK-83-194-02/2023, BK-83-195-02/2023 & BK-85-58-02/2023

Case Type

Criminal - Road rage incident


Sepang Magistrate's Court, Sepang, Selangor

Coram Judge

Related Proceedings

High Court
Court of Appeal

Subject Matter

Criminal lawRoad rageSentencing
